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ex EBT/RM Re 4/4 III in Brig.

(ID 2815)

ex EBT/RM Re 4/4 III in Brig.

ex EBT/RM Re 4/4 III in Brig.

Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 22.11.2009, 1033 Calls, 0 Comments

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XR 436 114, a.k.a. Nathalie stands in Spiez on 23 March 2017 as the second engine of a trio.
XR 436 114, a.k.a. Nathalie stands in Spiez on 23 March 2017 as the second engine of a trio.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 13 May 2010 CrossRail 436 113 shunts BLS stock at Spiez -with hindsight one could state this was the first sign of what would turn into the full take over of Crossrail by BLS Cargo.
On 13 May 2010 CrossRail 436 113 shunts BLS stock at Spiez -with hindsight one could state this was the first sign of what would turn into the full take over of Crossrail by BLS Cargo.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Complete history: the only things still existing in this picture are the LKW Walter intermodal and Spiez and her station. Crossrail has gone, her Class 436 went to other operators. On 23 March 2017 CrossRail 436 115 headed a triplette and LKW Walter train in Spiez.
Complete history: the only things still existing in this picture are the LKW Walter intermodal and Spiez and her station. Crossrail has gone, her Class 436 went to other operators. On 23 March 2017 CrossRail 436 115 headed a triplette and LKW Walter train in Spiez.
Leonardus Schrijvers

The SMB Re 4/4 III with a locla train to Solothurn in Moutier. 
(scanned negative/17.01.1985
The SMB Re 4/4 III with a locla train to Solothurn in Moutier. (scanned negative/17.01.1985
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric locomotives / Re 436

1154 1024x725 Px, 29.06.2012

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