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Ligne de Cerdagne (Métro des Pyrénées/Le Train Jaune) Fotos

3 Bilder
Unfortunately, traffic on the Ligne de Cerdagne route was stopped during our visit due to construction work, so that only a few pictures were taken in Villefranche - Vernet-les-Bains, such as the two SNCF railcars.

April 19, 2024
Unfortunately, traffic on the Ligne de Cerdagne route was stopped during our visit due to construction work, so that only a few pictures were taken in Villefranche - Vernet-les-Bains, such as the two SNCF railcars. April 19, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Unfortunately, traffic on the Ligne de Cerdagne route was stopped due to construction work, so that only a few pictures were taken in Villefranche - Vernet-les-Bains: one of these few pictures shows the Stadler GTW railcar, which was used by the SNCF as the Z 150 is labeled.

April 19, 2024
Unfortunately, traffic on the Ligne de Cerdagne route was stopped due to construction work, so that only a few pictures were taken in Villefranche - Vernet-les-Bains: one of these few pictures shows the Stadler GTW railcar, which was used by the SNCF as the Z 150 is labeled. April 19, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The Jaune trains in Pyrénées Catalanes in  Villefranche de Conflent. Since construction work was taking place on the  Train Jeaune  route, I was only able to take a picture of the well-known Pyrenees Métro in Villefranche de Conflent.

April 19, 2024
The Jaune trains in Pyrénées Catalanes in Villefranche de Conflent. Since construction work was taking place on the "Train Jeaune" route, I was only able to take a picture of the well-known Pyrenees Métro in Villefranche de Conflent. April 19, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt


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