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On a grey 19 september 2004 NMBS 2234 calls at Gent Sint-Pieters with former SNCF coaches.

(ID 53316)

On a grey 19 september 2004 NMBS 2234 calls at Gent Sint-Pieters with former SNCF coaches. These coaches and Class HLE22 are all gone and the station of Gent Sint-Pieters is being completely rebuild.

On a grey 19 september 2004 NMBS 2234 calls at Gent Sint-Pieters with former SNCF coaches. These coaches and Class HLE22 are all gone and the station of Gent Sint-Pieters is being completely rebuild.

Leonardus Schrijvers 08.12.2024, 9 Calls, 0 Comments

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On 19 September 2004 NMBS 2218 hauls a steel train through Gent Sint-Pieters.
On 19 September 2004 NMBS 2218 hauls a steel train through Gent Sint-Pieters.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Belgium / Electric locomotives / Série 22

114 1200x800 Px, 05.08.2020

NMBS 2227 hauls a cereals train through Antwerpen-Dam on 16 May 2002.
NMBS 2227 hauls a cereals train through Antwerpen-Dam on 16 May 2002.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Belgium / Electric locomotives / Série 22

131 1200x772 Px, 05.08.2020

NMBS 2230 calls at Gent Sint-Pieters on 23 December 1996.
NMBS 2230 calls at Gent Sint-Pieters on 23 December 1996.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Belgium / Electric locomotives / Série 22

127 1200x794 Px, 24.07.2020

On 15 May 2002 NMBS 2232 runs light at the loco depot at Antwerpen-Dam. This depot has disappeared entirely, making room for a park.
On 15 May 2002 NMBS 2232 runs light at the loco depot at Antwerpen-Dam. This depot has disappeared entirely, making room for a park.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Belgium / Electric locomotives / Série 22

138 1200x799 Px, 24.07.2020

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