DBG 203 304-1 Essen main railway station.
Manuel Höly http://feuerwehr.startbilder.de 07.10.2009, 1213 Calls, 2 Comments
Hello Manuel.
A very nice recording of 203.
I like this series very much.
Gruss Stefan S.
Hello Steffan
The image of 203 304 is actually formed by chance.
203er to Essen main railway station are very rare.
I've already seen the locomotive from the road and no longer had expected that I manage to make a picture.
But then the picture has become very good.
Greetings from Essen
949 1024x696 Px, 01.06.2011
822 958x1024 Px, 01.06.2011
895 1024x699 Px, 01.06.2011
1273 1024x689 Px, 22.05.2011