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(ID 15743)

. EB (Erfurter Bahn) VT 005 pictured in Erfurt main station on December 26th, 2012.

. EB (Erfurter Bahn) VT 005 pictured in Erfurt main station on December 26th, 2012.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 30.08.2013, 779 Calls, 0 Comments

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RegioShuttle 650 652 stands at Bayerisch Eisenstein on 9 May 2024.
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SWEG 520 takes ashort break at Offenburg on 15 February 2024.
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SWEG 019 still carries the colours of Breisgauer S-Bahn whilst standing at Offenburg on 15 February 2024.
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Deutschland > Thüringen > Erfurt > Altstadt
(C) OpenStreetMap-Mitwirkende

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