Her we see the German Railway electricel locomotive of the class 131 076-7 with a long fraigthtrain near Neuss Allerheiligen. On the other track went by an electrial multipale unit of the class 423 on it's way to Düsseldorf airport. friday 17th of august 2012
Andreas Strobel 19.08.2012, 780 Calls, 0 Comments
EXIF: NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D40, Exposure time: 0.001 s (625/1000000) (1/1600), Blend: f/8.0, ISO800, Focal length: 18.00 (18/1)
51 1200x793 Px, 27.12.2024
71 1200x800 Px, 17.10.2023
63 1200x800 Px, 09.10.2023
75 1200x740 Px, 25.09.2023