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(ID 20398)

. 181 214-8  Mosel  is heading the IC 133  Ostfriesland  Luxembourg City - Norddeich Mole in Kobern-Gondorf on June 22nd, 2014.

. 181 214-8 "Mosel" is heading the IC 133 "Ostfriesland" Luxembourg City - Norddeich Mole in Kobern-Gondorf on June 22nd, 2014.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny http://wwwfotococktail-revival.startbilder.de 23.06.2014, 1140 Calls, 2 Comments

2 Comments, All comments
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Armin Schwarz 23.06.2014 19:43

Wow Hans, a beautiful picture. Great photo point.

De Rond Hans und Jeanny 25.06.2014 13:19

Thanks a lot, Armin.
I'm very pleased, that you enjoy my photo.
Best regards

The DB 181 220-5 and 216-3 in Strasbourg. 

analog picture sept. 2000
The DB 181 220-5 and 216-3 in Strasbourg. analog picture sept. 2000
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The DB 181 209-8 wiht a local service to Offenburg in Strasbourg. 

analog picture sept. 1992
The DB 181 209-8 wiht a local service to Offenburg in Strasbourg. analog picture sept. 1992
Stefan Wohlfahrt

On 20 May 2004 DB 181 210 leaves Metz-Ville with CoRail stock to form an EC to Frankfurt-am-Main Hbf via Saarbrücken, Mannheim and Stuttgart.
On 20 May 2004 DB 181 210 leaves Metz-Ville with CoRail stock to form an EC to Frankfurt-am-Main Hbf via Saarbrücken, Mannheim and Stuttgart.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 181

124 1200x798 Px, 29.12.2021

On 30 September 2005 DB 181 211 calls at Neustadt (Weinstrasse).
On 30 September 2005 DB 181 211 calls at Neustadt (Weinstrasse).
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 181

119 1200x798 Px, 29.12.2021

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