Covered, large-scale sliding door wagon with four sets of wheels, without partition system, Habbiins 344, of the DB Railion. On 11.08.2011 in a train, just before Unkel, Germany.
Armin Schwarz 17.08.2011, 1333 Calls, 0 Comments
EXIF: Canon Canon EOS 1000D, Date 2011:08:11 13:36:09, Exposure time: 0.002 s (1/500) (1/500), Blend: f/9.0, ISO400, Focal length: 19.00 (19/1)
678 1072x616 Px, 23.09.2017
480 1185x569 Px, 23.09.2017
496 1200x905 Px, 01.10.2015
696 1175x589 Px, 04.06.2015