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A SNCF Z 24500 Coradia Duplex "Computer Mouse" on the way to Valence is leaving Geneva Main Station.

(ID 37667)

A SNCF Z 24500 Coradia Duplex  Computer Mouse  on the way to Valence is leaving Geneva Main Station.


A SNCF Z 24500 Coradia Duplex "Computer Mouse" on the way to Valence is leaving Geneva Main Station.


Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 26.02.2020, 169 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2020:01:21 10:02:38, Belichtungsdauer: 1/640, Blende: 56/10, ISO125, Brennweite: 220/10

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A SNCF Z 24604 Coradia Duplex (Computer Mouse) is the TER from Grenoble to Geneva. This service makes a stop in Aix Les Bains. 

A SNCF Z 24604 Coradia Duplex (Computer Mouse) is the TER from Grenoble to Geneva. This service makes a stop in Aix Les Bains. 22.03.2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The SNCF 24633  Compter Mouse  by Satigny (CH) on the way to Grenoble. 

The SNCF 24633 "Compter Mouse" by Satigny (CH) on the way to Grenoble. 19.07.2021
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The SNCF 24334  Compter Mouse  is waiting in Annecy his departure to Aix-Les Bains. In the background is to see a SNCF TGV and a SBB RABe 522 (Léman Express).

The SNCF 24334 "Compter Mouse" is waiting in Annecy his departure to Aix-Les Bains. In the background is to see a SNCF TGV and a SBB RABe 522 (Léman Express). 13.02.2020
Stefan Wohlfahrt

SNCF Z-24597 shows the Rhones-Alpes colours at Geneve on 31 December 2023.
SNCF Z-24597 shows the Rhones-Alpes colours at Geneve on 31 December 2023.
Leonardus Schrijvers

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