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My new BRB Bhm 2/4 24 (Ze +:220 / 3 mm gauge).

(ID 33048)

My new BRB Bhm 2/4 24 (Ze +:220 / 3 mm gauge). 
The original was planed by the SLM but never builed.

My new BRB Bhm 2/4 24 (Ze +:220 / 3 mm gauge).
The original was planed by the SLM but never builed.

Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 18.03.2018, 248 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2018:03:16 11:34:02, Belichtungsdauer: 1/100, Blende: 130/10, ISO80, Brennweite: 500/10

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For the international day of the model Railroad (2.12.2020) a picture fpr the stimulation: H0 (1:87, Gauge 16.5mm) N (1: 160, Gauge 9mm), Z (1:220, Gauge 6.5mm, Ze (1:220, Gauge 3mm) and the T-Gauge (1:450, Gauge 3mm). 

For the international day of the model Railroad (2.12.2020) a picture fpr the stimulation: H0 (1:87, Gauge 16.5mm) N (1: 160, Gauge 9mm), Z (1:220, Gauge 6.5mm, Ze (1:220, Gauge 3mm) and the T-Gauge (1:450, Gauge 3mm). 22.11.2020
Stefan Wohlfahrt

A Rochers de Naye Ze (1:220 / 3 mm gauge) Beh 2/4 204. 

A Rochers de Naye Ze (1:220 / 3 mm gauge) Beh 2/4 204. 04.11.2016
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A BVB  Ze (1:220 / 3 mm gauge) BDeh 2/4.

A BVB Ze (1:220 / 3 mm gauge) BDeh 2/4. 04.11.2016
Stefan Wohlfahrt

A BRB train by the Planalp  Felsenfenster . 

A BRB train by the Planalp "Felsenfenster". 10.08.2015
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