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The CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 7507 is leaving the old St-Légier-Gare Station.

(ID 52522)

The CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 7507 is leaving the old St-Légier-Gare Station. This service is on the way to Blonay.


The CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 7507 is leaving the old St-Légier-Gare Station. This service is on the way to Blonay.


Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 12.07.2024, 18 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2017:11:11 12:22:02, Belichtungsdauer: 1/320, Blende: 71/10, ISO500, Brennweite: 260/10

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The CEV MVR GTW ABeh 2/6 7502  Blonay  on the way to Vevey near La Chiesaz. 

The CEV MVR GTW ABeh 2/6 7502 "Blonay" on the way to Vevey near La Chiesaz. 26.01.2021
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Private Companies / MVR/CEV

18 1200x803 Px, 02.08.2024

The MOB GDe 4/4 6006 and the CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 7508 have a break in the Blonay station.

The MOB GDe 4/4 6006 and the CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 7508 have a break in the Blonay station. 09.07.2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 7507 and 7506 in Blonay. The CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 is the R 35 service to Vevey. 

The CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 7507 and 7506 in Blonay. The CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 is the R 35 service to Vevey. 01.06.2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Private Companies / MVR/CEV

28 1200x805 Px, 05.06.2024

Three CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 can be seen in Blonay: on track 1 the CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 7506 is ready for departure to Vevey, on track 2 the ABeh 2/6 7504  VEVEY  has arrived, it will be in Continue shortly towards Les Pleiades and ABeh 2/6 7507 is parked on a siding. 

June 1, 2024
Three CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 can be seen in Blonay: on track 1 the CEV MVR ABeh 2/6 7506 is ready for departure to Vevey, on track 2 the ABeh 2/6 7504 "VEVEY" has arrived, it will be in Continue shortly towards Les Pleiades and ABeh 2/6 7507 is parked on a siding. June 1, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Private Companies / MVR/CEV

33 1200x803 Px, 05.06.2024

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