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Shortly afterwards the TPC AOMC ASD Beh 4/8 591 arrives from the opposite direction, which is on the way to Les Diablerets as R71 436.

(ID 52577)

Shortly afterwards the TPC AOMC ASD Beh 4/8 591 arrives from the opposite direction, which is on the way to Les Diablerets as R71 436. Since the third round is also covered by an ABe 4/8, as seen fleetingly, the BDe 4/4 services will now probably become the exception. July 21, 2024

Shortly afterwards the TPC AOMC ASD Beh 4/8 591 arrives from the opposite direction, which is on the way to Les Diablerets as R71 436. Since the third round is also covered by an ABe 4/8, as seen fleetingly, the BDe 4/4 services will now probably become the exception. July 21, 2024

Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 21.07.2024, 17 Aufrufe, 0 Kommentare

EXIF: SONY ILCA-77M2, Datum 2024:07:21 11:33:22, Belichtungsdauer: 1/320, Blende: 71/10, ISO250, Brennweite: 500/10

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The new TPC ASD ABe 4/8 473  Glacier 3000  in the Aigle Station. 

The new TPC ASD ABe 4/8 473 "Glacier 3000" in the Aigle Station. 03.08.2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The TPC ASD ABe 4/8 473  Glacier 3000 , which arrived from Les Diablerets on platform 14, shunts in Aigle: The train is made available on platform 13 for the journey to Les Diablerets. This leads to a meeting with the former BCFe 4/4, later ABFe 4/4 and with the abolition of 1st class to today's BDe 4/4 n° 2 mutated railcar from the opening days of the ASD.

Aug 3, 2024
The TPC ASD ABe 4/8 473 "Glacier 3000", which arrived from Les Diablerets on platform 14, shunts in Aigle: The train is made available on platform 13 for the journey to Les Diablerets. This leads to a meeting with the former BCFe 4/4, later ABFe 4/4 and with the abolition of 1st class to today's BDe 4/4 n° 2 mutated railcar from the opening days of the ASD. Aug 3, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The new TPC ASD ABe 4/8 471 in Aigle. 

The new TPC ASD ABe 4/8 471 in Aigle. 27.07.2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

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