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Clervaux Fotos

60 Bilder
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3010 is heading the IR 113 Liers - Luxembourg City in Drauffelt on December 17th, 2011.
3010 is heading the IR 113 Liers - Luxembourg City in Drauffelt on December 17th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

The IR 3710 Luxembourg - Troisviergesis running through Drauffelt on December 17th, 2011.
The IR 3710 Luxembourg - Troisviergesis running through Drauffelt on December 17th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

The heritage Westwaggon 208/218 is running through Drauffelt on December 17th, 2011.
The heritage Westwaggon 208/218 is running through Drauffelt on December 17th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

3008 is hauling the IR 113 Liers - Luxembourg City through Drauffelt on November 21st, 2011.
3008 is hauling the IR 113 Liers - Luxembourg City through Drauffelt on November 21st, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

4017 is pushing the IR 3710 Luxembourg City - Troisvierges in Drauffelt on November 21st, 2011.
4017 is pushing the IR 3710 Luxembourg City - Troisvierges in Drauffelt on November 21st, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

3008 is heading the IR 113 Liers - Luxembourg City in Drauffelt on November 21st, 2011.
3008 is heading the IR 113 Liers - Luxembourg City in Drauffelt on November 21st, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

The IR 3716 Luxembourg City - Troisvierges is leaving the stop Drauffelt on October 15th, 2011.
The IR 3716 Luxembourg City - Troisvierges is leaving the stop Drauffelt on October 15th, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Luxembourg / Wagons / Control cars

719 x Px, 17.10.2011

Z 2200 unit is running through Drauffelt on November 4th, 2008.
Z 2200 unit is running through Drauffelt on November 4th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

The IR 119 Liers - Luxembourg City pictured in Drauffelt on August 13th, 2010.
The IR 119 Liers - Luxembourg City pictured in Drauffelt on August 13th, 2010.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Luxembourg / Electric locomotives / Série 3000

1000 x Px, 28.03.2011

3020 is hauling the IR 117 Liers - Luxembourg City through Drauffelt on February 1st, 2011.
3020 is hauling the IR 117 Liers - Luxembourg City through Drauffelt on February 1st, 2011.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

1604 taken in Clervaux on April 20th, 2008.
1604 taken in Clervaux on April 20th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

Luxembourg / Diesel locomotives / Série 1600

916 x Px, 23.03.2011

The IR 114 Luxembourg-Liers is running through the snowy landscape near Clervaux on December 18th, 2010.
The IR 114 Luxembourg-Liers is running through the snowy landscape near Clervaux on December 18th, 2010.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

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