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Hollerich Fotos

8 Bilder
. The motor coach N° 34 from 1931 was shown in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on September 21st, 2008.
. The motor coach N° 34 from 1931 was shown in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on September 21st, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The trailer N° 121 from 1939 taken in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on September 21st, 2008.
. The trailer N° 121 from 1939 taken in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on September 21st, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The motor coach N° 34, built 1931, pictured in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on April 27th, 2008.
. The motor coach N° 34, built 1931, pictured in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on April 27th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The trailer N° 112 (formerly motor coach N° 12) photographed in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on April 27th, 2008.
. The trailer N° 112 (formerly motor coach N° 12) photographed in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on April 27th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The motor coach N° 34 from 1931 taken in the Tramway und Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on September 21st, 2008.
. The motor coach N° 34 from 1931 taken in the Tramway und Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on September 21st, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The motor coach N° 26 from 1938 and the trailer N° 121 pictured in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on April 27th, 2008. 

The motor coach N° 26 and the trailer N° 121 were built in the service's workshops at Limpertsberg (Luxembourg). The construction of whole tramways was decided on during the 1920's and 1930's: on one hand, to reduce unemployment, which was quite significant at the time and, on the other, to reduce the communal budget deficit. When the tramway system was dismantled in Luxembourg, this motor coach and trailer were made available to the tramway museum de Schepdaal in Brussels due to a lack of space, while they were waiting to be brought back to Luxembourg again.
. The motor coach N° 26 from 1938 and the trailer N° 121 pictured in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on April 27th, 2008. The motor coach N° 26 and the trailer N° 121 were built in the service's workshops at Limpertsberg (Luxembourg). The construction of whole tramways was decided on during the 1920's and 1930's: on one hand, to reduce unemployment, which was quite significant at the time and, on the other, to reduce the communal budget deficit. When the tramway system was dismantled in Luxembourg, this motor coach and trailer were made available to the tramway museum de Schepdaal in Brussels due to a lack of space, while they were waiting to be brought back to Luxembourg again.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The trailer N° 112 (formerly motor coach N° 12) photographed in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on April 27th, 2008.
. The trailer N° 112 (formerly motor coach N° 12) photographed in the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on April 27th, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny

. The motor coach N° 26 photographed near the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on September 21st, 2008.
. The motor coach N° 26 photographed near the Tramway and Bus Museum of the City of Luxembourg in Hollerich on September 21st, 2008.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny


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