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Rzepin Fotos

1 Bilder
2024-08-18. PKP Intercity EU44  Husarz  manuveres in Rzepin near the German border. In a few minutes it will haul EC 58  Gedania  to Berlin Hbf. PKP Intercity sometimes suffers from a lack of modern, multi-system locomotives for the international routes to Germany. As a result the domestic half of the route can be served with an older EP09 class and the EU44 is substituted only right before the border.
2024-08-18. PKP Intercity EU44 "Husarz" manuveres in Rzepin near the German border. In a few minutes it will haul EC 58 "Gedania" to Berlin Hbf. PKP Intercity sometimes suffers from a lack of modern, multi-system locomotives for the international routes to Germany. As a result the domestic half of the route can be served with an older EP09 class and the EU44 is substituted only right before the border.
Tadeusz Andrzej Kadlubowski


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