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523 Fotos

420 Bilder
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The stone knows that the Flirt have 25 kilometers to run to Lausanne...
The stone knows that the Flirt have 25 kilometers to run to Lausanne... 24.06.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

572 704x1024 Px, 01.07.2010

A FLIRT by the Castle of Chillon. 
A FLIRT by the Castle of Chillon. 08.06.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

750 994x1024 Px, 08.06.2010

A Flirt in La Conversion.
A Flirt in La Conversion. 15.04.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

654 1024x815 Px, 01.05.2010

Local train service to Villeneuve by Villette (VD).
Local train service to Villeneuve by Villette (VD). 23.03.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

495 1024x682 Px, 23.03.2010

A SBB Flit on the way to Yverdon is arriving in the station of Chavornay.
A SBB Flit on the way to Yverdon is arriving in the station of Chavornay. 01.02.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

578 1024x626 Px, 18.02.2010

Flirt to Villeneve by Chavornay
Flirt to Villeneve by Chavornay 01.02.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

507 1024x682 Px, 17.02.2010

RABDe 523 022 to Villeneuve by the Castle of Chillon.
RABDe 523 022 to Villeneuve by the Castle of Chillon. 12.01.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

528 1024x579 Px, 12.01.2010

RABDe 523 022 on the way to Yverdon.
RABDe 523 022 on the way to Yverdon. 12.01.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

484 1024x712 Px, 12.01.2010

A new FLIRT on the REV: RABe 523 021  La Veveyse  in Yverdon. 
A new FLIRT on the REV: RABe 523 021 "La Veveyse" in Yverdon. 19.11.2009
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Switzerland / Electric multiple units / 523

608 1024x679 Px, 05.01.2010

A Contrast to my winter-picture N° 4049: Flirt by Rivaz in to late autumn period. 
A Contrast to my winter-picture N° 4049: Flirt by Rivaz in to late autumn period. 20.11.2009
Stefan Wohlfahrt

In a snow fog: a new Flirt to Lausanne by Rivaz.

In a snow fog: a new Flirt to Lausanne by Rivaz. 04.01.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Local train to Lausanne in St-saphorin.
Local train to Lausanne in St-saphorin. 04.01.2010
Stefan Wohlfahrt

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