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ETR 575 (AGV) Fotos

6 Bilder
On the high-speed route Torino - Milano (RFI route number 9, length 127 km) the .Italo NTV ETR 575 018 is on the way to Napoli as ITALO 9927. The picture was taken not far from Livorno Ferraris.

June 15, 2024
On the high-speed route Torino - Milano (RFI route number 9, length 127 km) the .Italo NTV ETR 575 018 is on the way to Napoli as ITALO 9927. The picture was taken not far from Livorno Ferraris. June 15, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Italy / Electric multiple units / ETR 575 (AGV)

36 1200x764 Px, 25.06.2024

The ntv .italo ETR 575 014 is leaving the Reggio Emilia AV Station on the tou the south. 

The ntv .italo ETR 575 014 is leaving the Reggio Emilia AV Station on the tou the south. 14.03.2023
Stefan Wohlfahrt

The the ntv  ITALO  ER 575 001 is leaving Milano Centrale. 

The the ntv "ITALO" ER 575 001 is leaving Milano Centrale. 08.11.2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Italy / Electric multiple units / ETR 575 (AGV)

73 1200x688 Px, 10.11.2022

The  Italo  ETR 575 0l1 in Milano Centrale. 

The "Italo" ETR 575 0l1 in Milano Centrale. 08.11.2022
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Italy / Electric multiple units / ETR 575 (AGV)

72 1200x806 Px, 09.11.2022

The  Italo  Service 9993 from Milano to Ancona in Rimini.
The "Italo" Service 9993 from Milano to Ancona in Rimini. 19.09.2014
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Italy / Electric multiple units / ETR 575 (AGV)

372 1200x822 Px, 15.11.2014

The ETR 575 AGV ITALO fast service 9994 from Ancona to Milan makes a stop in Rimini.
The ETR 575 AGV ITALO fast service 9994 from Ancona to Milan makes a stop in Rimini. 16.09.2014
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Italy / Electric multiple units / ETR 575 (AGV)

373 1200x822 Px, 01.10.2014


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