Armin Schwarz 3.7.2011 13:52
Hello Stefan,
a very nice and successful picture, of the Flirt. Even if the motive is somewhat obscured. I find in such beautiful pictures it must not be.
Greetings out the cool Germany
De Rond Hans und Jeanny 3.7.2011 10:32
Very nice old pictures from Belgium, Stefan.
Especially the colours of some still existing trains is almost interesting.
A little correction should be done on the text of this photo. The number of the engine is 2801, the category has been changed already.
Stefan Wohlfahrt 4.7.2011 17:35
Thanks for correction and comment.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny 1.7.2011 10:51
Hi Stefan,
I really appreciate these old pictures out of Luxembourg City.
This head track doesn't exist any more, I however remember well, that the courses toward the north drove off there.
Best regards
Armin Schwarz 15.6.2011 11:46
Hello Stefan,
very nice beautiful steam train in Blonay. The train is running every day or only on certain dates.
Greetings Armin
Stefan Wohlfahrt 15.6.2011 19:49
Thank you Armin for your comment, the B-C (Blonay-Chamby)trains run every weekend from the middle of Mai to the end of October.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny 15.6.2011 11:21
Hello Stefan,
the RhB ABe 4/4 makes also a good figure in Blonay.
A marvellous picture of it.
Armin Schwarz 15.6.2011 9:04
Hello Stefan,
very nice picture and very nice driving car.
Greetings from Germany to Switzerland
Armin Schwarz 15.6.2011 8:57
Hello Stefan,
very nice picture from Blonay.
Greetings from Germany to Switzerland
De Rond Hans und Jeanny 6.6.2011 11:32
Hi Stefan,
a delightful picture of the mighty steam engine.
Best regards
Peter Ackermann 3.6.2011 9:56
Wie unendlich schön diese Gegend doch ist. Und dann noch ein gelber Zug in grünen Weinbergen unter blauem Himmel - super!
Armin Schwarz 4.6.2011 0:04
Hello Stefan,
a very nice and successful picture, of the "Train des Vignes"
Greetings Armin
Stefan Wohlfahrt 4.6.2011 7:41
Armin Schwarz 22.5.2011 19:01
Hello Stefan,
a very nice and successful picture, of the Flirt.
Greetings Armin
Stefan Wohlfahrt 22.5.2011 19:50
Thank you, Armin.
De Rond Hans und Jeanny 21.5.2011 18:10
A wonderful picture, Stefan.
Nice to see, that there are still some SNCF engines in "en voyage" design.
Armin Schwarz 8.5.2011 21:28
Hello Stefan,
a very nice and successful picture.
Greetings Armin
Armin Schwarz 8.5.2011 21:20
Hi Stefan,
a great picture of the electric locomotive Zentalbahn. And then also the snow-capped mountains in the background.
Greetings Armin
De Rond Hans und Jeanny 3.4.2011 18:11
Hi Stefan,
what a nice souvenir from Oberwesel.
Hans and Jeanny
De Rond Hans und Jeanny 25.2.2011 20:59
Hi Stefan,
a marvellous picture showing the powerful steam engine in the middle of the vineyards.
Best regards
Christian Wenger 12.2.2011 21:56
Herrlich. Da werden Erinnerungen wach: 1989 wurden hier die RABDe (hoffentlich richtig zitiert) eingesetzt. Längere Wartezeiten wurden durch gelegentliches Baden im See verkürzt. Tolle Möglichkit - was mich die folgenden Jahre dazu brachte, Foto- und Badeurlaub gerne mal an der französischen Mittelmeerküste zu kombinieren. Immerhin - diese bahnbrechende Idee wurde genau hier geboren ...
Danke für's Einstellen des Motivs. Chr.