A few weeks ago, when SBB and TI in Milan announced new direct connections from Zurich to Livorno and Firenze, a green Pinocchio was presented to the press. Accordingly, Treniatlia is undergoing a renovation of its ETR 610, which also includes painting it in the new eC colors. Today I finally managed to photograph such an ETR 610, even though the location and light were not ideal. The FS Trenitlia ETR 610 004 is traveling as EC 40 from Milano to Genève and shows itself at the stop in Lausanne.
December 16, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt http://klein-aber-fein---imagination.startbilder.de/ 16.12.2024, 49 दृश्य, 0 टिप्पणियाँ
EXIF: NIKON E7900, डेटम 2024:12:16 11:48:48, एक्सपोज़र समय: 10/955, ब्लेंड: 48/10, ISO50, फोकल लंबाई: 78/10
51 951x1200 Px, 16.12.2024
40 1200x904 Px, 16.12.2024
47 1200x790 Px, 16.11.2024
44 1200x806 Px, 14.11.2024