No, this is not Puente Verrugas but PUENTE CARRION, it is the biggest bridge on the Ferrocarril Central.
and : it carries much more than 60 tons - FCCA 1012 has easily 200 tons alone...
Rupprecht von Gersdorff 29.03.2012, 2604 दृश्य, 1 टिप्पणी
EXIF: डेटम 2011:09:05 14:37:35, एक्सपोज़र समय: 0.005 s (1/200) (1/200), ब्लेंड: f/10.0, ISO100, फोकल लंबाई: 26.00 (26/1)
Mr Rupprecht,
Let me introduce myself, my name is Rodrigo Mires. I am peruvian licensed in Geography and Environment in Lima, Perú.
I am distracting your attention for a minute to ask for your permission to publish your photo of the Wart Bridge (Puente Verrugas) in Perú.
In 2010, I joined the team that met Environment Minister of Peru, Antonio Brack, for the creation of the Forest Reserve Area Zárate in the Province of Huarochiri, Lima, Perú.
Last November, I defended my thesis in the Catholic University Environmental Development, Master's program; my thesis subject line was in on this same forest, Zárate. According to this is that my jury has suggested me that I could publish the thesis in a book format. That is the reason of my interest; I am adding a selection of photos.
It happens that in addition to a review on the importance of the biodiversity of this forest now declared as a Natural Protected Area, I mentioned some significant events in the history of San Bartholome town, such as the episode of the epidemic of Peruvian Wart of 1871 and of how this bridge was partially burned during the war between Perú and Chile in 1882.
If you kindly accept my request I would ask you to get me the photograph trough the e-mail with a good resolution. I will promise you to publish a thank you note in the book and the credits of the respective photographic authorship.
I will be very grateful for your time and kindness.
Best regards,
Rodrigo Mires Sumarriva
(00511) 446-7028 / 9936-83211
1256 1024x682 Px, 29.03.2012
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1575 1 1024x682 Px, 29.03.2012