Two SBB RABe 502 Twindexx in Lausanne, one as IR 15 to Lucerne (right in the picture) and the other (in the background) as IC 1 from St. Gallen to Geneva Airport.
Aug 28, 2024
Stefan Wohlfahrt 10.09.2024, 60 दृश्य, 0 टिप्पणियाँ
EXIF: NIKON E7900, डेटम 2024:08:28 09:45:30, एक्सपोज़र समय: 10/3600, ब्लेंड: 48/10, ISO50, फोकल लंबाई: 78/10
32 1200x802 Px, 22.02.2025
38 1200x935 Px, 31.01.2025
56 1200x861 Px, 06.11.2024