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Germany / Electric locomotives

2306 Bilder
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The railpool 187 008-8 in Spiez. 

The railpool 187 008-8 in Spiez. 14.06.2021
Stefan Wohlfahrt

Germany / Electric locomotives / 187

122 1200x770 Px, 25.06.2021

Intermodal service headed by 140 759 thunders through Troisdorf on 13 April 1999.
Intermodal service headed by 140 759 thunders through Troisdorf on 13 April 1999.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 140

111 1200x850 Px, 24.06.2021

Mixed freight with 189 065 passes Venlo Vierpaardjes on 28 May 2021.
Mixed freight with 189 065 passes Venlo Vierpaardjes on 28 May 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 189

102 1200x800 Px, 24.06.2021

MRCE 189 211 hauls a container train through Alverna on 23 May 2011.
MRCE 189 211 hauls a container train through Alverna on 23 May 2011.
Leonardus Schrijvers

DBC 185 017 enters Venlo on 28 May 2021.
DBC 185 017 enters Venlo on 28 May 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 185

109 1200x800 Px, 22.06.2021

On 6 June 2021, DBC 193 356 hauls an intermodal service through Valburg.
On 6 June 2021, DBC 193 356 hauls an intermodal service through Valburg.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Mixed freight with 193 333 passes Venlo Vierpaardjes on 28 May 2021.
Mixed freight with 193 333 passes Venlo Vierpaardjes on 28 May 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

MRCE 189 101 with intermodal service passes Venlo Vierpaardjes on 28 May 2021.
MRCE 189 101 with intermodal service passes Venlo Vierpaardjes on 28 May 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

DBC 193 366 passes Venlo Vierpaardjes on 28 May 2021.
DBC 193 366 passes Venlo Vierpaardjes on 28 May 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Coal train with 189 079 passes through Blerick on 28 May 2021.
Coal train with 189 079 passes through Blerick on 28 May 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 189

101 1200x800 Px, 22.06.2021

A bit away from home: 101 063 commemmorates a century of the Bauhaus Art Movement -that began in Dessau- at Köln Hbf on 23 September 2019.
A bit away from home: 101 063 commemmorates a century of the Bauhaus Art Movement -that began in Dessau- at Köln Hbf on 23 September 2019.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 101

96 1200x800 Px, 26.04.2021

On 4 October 2010 RBH 263/151 123 hauls a sister loco through Bonn-Beuel.
On 4 October 2010 RBH 263/151 123 hauls a sister loco through Bonn-Beuel.
Leonardus Schrijvers

RBH 204 hauls a tank train through Weimar on 4 September 2003.
RBH 204 hauls a tank train through Weimar on 4 September 2003.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 21 May 2004 OHE 185 534 runs round at Celle.
On 21 May 2004 OHE 185 534 runs round at Celle.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Way away from home was on 7 June 2009 OHE 185 534 hauling a wood loggers train through Bavarian Treuchtlingen.
Way away from home was on 7 June 2009 OHE 185 534 hauling a wood loggers train through Bavarian Treuchtlingen.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 19 July 2018 RTBC 193 726 slowly regains speed at Dordrecht after having stopped due to a technical hitch-up that lasted about 20 seconds.
On 19 July 2018 RTBC 193 726 slowly regains speed at Dordrecht after having stopped due to a technical hitch-up that lasted about 20 seconds.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Just before twilight puts and end to photography on 26 march 2018, RTB 193 726 hauls a container train out of Venlo into Germany.
Just before twilight puts and end to photography on 26 march 2018, RTB 193 726 hauls a container train out of Venlo into Germany.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Sadly against the Sun light and a bit out of position: RTB 193 792 hauls a tank wagon train through Blerick on the evening of 8 April 2021.
Sadly against the Sun light and a bit out of position: RTB 193 792 hauls a tank wagon train through Blerick on the evening of 8 April 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

On 10 June 2018 RTB 186 425 enters Venlo with a completely empty container train.
On 10 June 2018 RTB 186 425 enters Venlo with a completely empty container train.
Leonardus Schrijvers

DBC 189 032 hauls an iron ore train through Roond on 30 March 2021.
DBC 189 032 hauls an iron ore train through Roond on 30 March 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 189

101 1200x800 Px, 16.04.2021

SBBCI 193 517 hauls an intermodal train out of Venlo on 8 April 2021.
SBBCI 193 517 hauls an intermodal train out of Venlo on 8 April 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Coal train with 189 069 at the reins passes throguh Roond on 31 March 2021.
Coal train with 189 069 at the reins passes throguh Roond on 31 March 2021.
Leonardus Schrijvers

Germany / Electric locomotives / 189

94 1200x800 Px, 16.04.2021

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